My Journal with God
Week 13
Verse to memorize this month:
13 "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all my heart. Jeremiah 29:13
This week we will be studying the word HEART in the Old Testament. We motivate you to search daily for 2 verses in the Old Testament that have the word Heart and write them in your journal reflecting on them.
Monday Jeremiah 29:13
Write in your Journal: Jeremiah 29:13
13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Why do you think God wants us to seek him?
Why do you think God put a condition to be found?
Action Steps: We continue trying to manage time, we will organize according to what you believe are your priorities. Your obligations as a mother, wife, daughter, woman are very demanding and require your effort. But seeking God has to be one of your most important priorities. Separate a specific time to read your Bible, seek the face of God and make the effort to take a specific time to seek the Lord.
Tuesday: Ezekiel 36
write in your diary Ezekiel 36:26
"I will give you a new heart, and I will infuse you with a new spirit; I will take away that stone heart that you now have, and I will put a heart of flesh on you. "
There are hearts that have become hard as stone because of the situations of life they have lived. These have bee/n damaged, beaten and wounded, but God has promised to give you a new heart and new thoughts. He wants to sow his word in your heart that changes and restores your life.
Do you believe in God's promises for your life?
Do you believe that God can heal your heart of all pain and harm?
Do you believe that God can put a new heart in you?
Steps of Action: When you read this chapter you will realize that God is beginning to prepare a permanent place for Israel. Israel alone could not have had the heart that God wanted them to have, so he gave them a beautiful promise.
Why do you think God tells them to remember their sin?
What things do you have in your heart that you need to give to God today?
If there was hardness in your heart, what do you think cause that in your life?
God forgives those who repent, when he asks that Israel to remember their sin was so they could acknowledge their wrong and turn to Him.
Wednesday: write in your diary 1 Samuel 16:7
7 But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’
Why do you think God does not pay attention to appearance?
Why should we not judge based on what we see?
What is God looking for in the heart of man?
Action Steps: More then just taking care of our personal appearance we should seek God’s approval in our lives. Our influence should not be from television or social networks but from the Lord. Now days most people judge by how you look outwardly and that can be very deceiving, instead work in your interior and you will surely have an acceptable and beautiful appearance in front of God.
Thursday: Psalm 37: 4
Write: Psalm 37: 4 "Put your delight in the Lord, and He will give you the requests of your heart"
When God fills us with his love, our heart delights in listening to his word and we love being in his presence.
What are the desires of your heart?
Action Steps:The heart is one of the most intimate place of a person and is where God measures our love for Him.
That is why in Deuteronomy 6: 6 God commands Israel, to love Him with all their heart. Where is your delight? Search your heart and see if there are things, people, that could be taking you away from loving God.
write: Jeremias 17: 9-11
9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.Who can understand it?10 ‘I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct,according to what their deeds deserve.’
Why do you think the heart is deceitful?
Why is it necessary for the Lord to search and examine the heart?
Action Step: We must never follow the impulses of our heart, because it is deceptive. Our decisions should not be make by simply feelings or emotions. Is there something in your heart that you have to give to God for him to examine? Give that to the Lord and He will guide you to do the right thing.