My Journal with God
Week 3 Choose to think like Him
MONDAY: Genesis 6
Write the verses in your diary.
5 The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every tendency of the thoughts of his heart was continually alone to evil.
What was the biggest problem this generation had?
Notes that God hurt to have made humans. It was never God's will for the earth to be filled with sin.
Putting his word into action!
What specific things has God asked you to obey? Write them and obey.
TUESDAY: God's thoughts for us Psalm 40.
Write the verses in your diary
Psalm 40: 5 O LORD, my God, you have multiplied your wonders and your thoughts toward us. There is no one comparable to you. If I tried to refer and talk about them, they would be too many to be counted.
Putting his word into action!
Emphasize in your Bible the things you feel God is speaking to you. Now with your own words how would you apply it to today?
WEDNESDAY: Whose thought in you perseveres Isaiah 26:
Write the verse in your diary:
3 You will keep in peace the one whose mind lives in you because he has trust in you.
Putting his word into action!
Emphasize in your Bible the things you feel God is speaking to you. Now with your own words how would you apply it to today?
THURSDAY Matthew 15: 1- 20
Write the verses in your diary.
19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies, and blasphemy.
Putting his word into action!
What religious things do you think may be affecting your life?
God knows your heart and your thoughts, what things do you need to give to him?
Should you confess? do it
Should you return? do it
Should you stop talking badly? do it
FRIDAY: Hebrews 4
Write the verse in your journal
Hebrews 4:12
12 For the Word of God is alive and effective, and more piercing than any two-edged sword. Penetrates to split the soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart ..
Putting his word into action!
What is entering the rest of God?
What does it mean to have a hard heart?
What things has God revealed to your heart and brought changes in yourself?
Do not forget that you have an opportunity to come to the Lord and with all assurance, He will be waiting for you.